皇冠体育 recognizes the critical role IT and cybersecurity play in every aspect of our clients’ business operations. Our services assist our clients with trusted information delivery — from information flow, 访问和存储, to security of operational and business systems from cyber threats.

Whether that data is at rest, 在使用中或运动中, it must be protected to ensure the resiliency of a company. Our 聚合弹性™ methodology does just that across the cyber, physical and wireless domains.

Our approach begins with our high-end professional IT services, including software engineering, IT infrastructure design, network operations and cloud computing technologies. We combine this expertise with a deep knowledge of integrated cybersecurity, 沟通, 情报, surveillance and reconnaissance systems.

Informed decision-making for security and resilience of assets, systems and networks

Today’s dynamic threat environment demands integrated solutions aligned closely to industry-specific operations and critical business functions. By assessing our customers’ information needs, operational systems and technologies, 未来的愿景, our IT and security experts are able to identify potential vulnerabilities and create secure, economical solutions focused on business continuity.

Virtual data management via the cloud

皇冠体育 was one of the first companies to deliver a cloud infrastructure and methodology solution that met stringent U.S. Department of Defense security standards. We team with industry-leading cloud providers to deliver the full range of data storage and management services, providing our clients with improved efficiency, agility and data security.

Mitigating operating control system vulnerabilities

The number of successful cyber attacks on industrial control systems (ICS) at power, 能源, water treatment and other facilities has increased dramatically. The resulting damage and disruption from these attacks could have been avoided. 皇冠体育 combines our expertise in IT security and instrumentation and controls engineering to incorporate safety and security into new facility and retrofit designs.

Delivering safe, reliable and sustainable data centers to manage and protect our customers’ data

Many of the industries that 皇冠体育 supports — from high tech to healthcare to financial institutions to government — require data centers for critical data storage and management. Combining our infrastructure design and construction services with our systems engineering and IT support, we deliver these highly specialized buildings that require secure 24-7 operations.


Representative 服务:

  • 网络安全
  • 网络运营
  • Secure Cloud Computing and Application Development
  • Industrial Control Systems
  • 数据中心
  • 频谱管理